Welcome to STORIES-2-INSPIRE #15 where I share inspiring stories of REAL people from many different backgrounds and situations who've overcome struggle, made amazing positive changes or achieved great things against the odds and refuse to give up!
NAME: Daz Davies
FROM: Staffordshire, ENGLAND
Spin Instructor, Group & 121 Fitness Trainer,
Nutritionist & Sports Massage Therapist (Part time)
Water Hygiene Technician (Full Time)
1. Slipknot
2. The Pretty Wreckless
3. Skindred
"Hi, I’m Daz from Stafford located in the heart of England (midlands).
A big thank you to Steve (B2B owner) for letting me have the opportunity to write my story. I came across BORN 2 BLEED on Facebook by accident. I got into music at a very young age, mainly because my older brother would watch ‘Top Of The Pops’ every Thursday night and was into artists like David Bowie, Human League. One of my first albums was ‘Purple Rain by Prince. I always remember being in awe of the guitar solo at the end of the opening track ‘Let’s Go Crazy.’ In 1987 I then discovered rock/metal after watching Ghoulies 2 and hearing ‘Scream Until You Like It' by W.A.S.P. Two years later at the age of 14 I attended my first ever concert at the Victoria Hall in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent & saw W.A.S.P. on their 1989 Headless Children Tour. I’m an outgoing person, who is confident (especially as I have gotten older). I will always look out for others and definitely wear my heart on my sleeve.
I believe this was evident during a five period as an self employed personal trainer. However even though I was confident etc on the outside, I have suffered with anxiety and depression.
I would always doubt myself or overthink a situation which would be small, but when the emotions kicked in, it felt like an nuclear bomb was going off with my thoughts. The anxiety and depression would be intermittent and usually triggered by something trivial.
"In 1991 (aged 16) I was so overwhelmed with life I took an overdose and had to have my stomach pumped. Mental health was very taboo so you didn’t get any help like you can today. I seemed to get past my OD, but more regularly I doubted myself and finally opened up. For years, I had been carrying a personal secret around with me, I had been sexually assaulted on more than one occasion by a distant relative (please appreciate I won’t go into the full circumstances).
This started to affect me mentally, as I got older I started to understand what had happened.
I felt different when I was in a group of friends and became distant. Eventually I opened up to my family what had happened, which at first caused anger and upset. I felt I was to blame.
I had counselling on two different occasions with the local voluntary counselling service ‘EMERGE’, but was always trying come to terms of what had happened.
I decided to make an official complaint to the police, the case went to Crown Court, I had to give evidence and face my assailant. The outcome was a guilty verdict and on hearing the words ‘GUILTY’ of all charges, I instantly sobbed. After that I still had issues with anxiety and when I was low I was rock bottom. I was fighting an internal battle of mental health. I eventually went to the doctors in 2017 and I was prescribed Sertaline."
"Two years prior in 2015 I had lost 3 stone in weight and gained my personal training qualifications plus this lead into being fitness instructor, Sports Massage Therapist & a qualified nutritionist. When I was motivated I was on point and 9 times out of 10 my mood would be fine, but the smallest trigger would send me into self destruct. I had been in full time employment so therefore I had security to pay the bills.
It was an massive step to decide to go self employed as a full time PT. I started in the year of 2016 and it started ok, however due to the pressure of earning and long hours I started to burn out. Holidays or time off was minimal and if for whatever reason a client left me, I would overthink and panic. In 2017 I was admitted to hospital with pneumonia and pleurisy. I had to have almost 2 litres of fluid drained from my left lung. I would honestly say that was because my body was completely fatigued. Between 2018 up to lockdown my life changed, I went through a divorce and lost my mum due to ill health. I did have good days but when I had bad days, it would last for weeks and felt I was sinking in quicksand and couldn’t get out. I started to become disillusioned with the fitness industry and lost my passion and motivation for training which resulted in my weight starting to increase. This made me feel very guilty and I felt like a failure.
I made the hard decision to suspend my career as a full time PT. It wasn’t easy decision to make but it was the right decision. In Feb 2021 I returned to full time employment. Since then it got to a stage of figuring out how I could work on my own mental health but also maintain a positive view on life and my current circumstances."
"I have always enjoyed reading and was introduced to a book called THE POWER OF NOW by Eckhart Tolle.
Its about living in the present and not letting your emotions affect you by dwelling on the past, or even thinking about the future.
So that's what I have done and I try everyday to live in the present. Even if I think of something that doesn’t effect that instant I will try and come back to the now. I love reading mindset & music biographies books, I recommend the following books for mindset or motivation: 💥 THE POWER OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND by Dr Joseph Murphy
💥 IKIGAI The Japanese secret to a long and happy life by Hector Garcia & Francesc Miralles
Other titles are BE WATER MY FRIEND, HOW TO BE F*CKING AWESOME, THE CHIMP PARADOX, HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE, FINDING MY FEET. However, the key is to PRACTICE what is written. It's no good reading something if you aren’t going to practice and work on yourself. One of the best books (music related) I have read in the last couple of years is THE HEROIN DIARIES by Nikki Sixx, bassist for Motley Crue & Sixx AM. All the work I have done is about having ‘SELF LOVE’ what I mean is being comfortable with the person you are, accepting your faults and achievements, be kind to yourself, but also being able to be comfortable on your own. I now meditate daily to reduce any overthinking or negative emotions, using an app called ‘INSIGHT TIMER’ I usually meditate in bed, this has certainly help my emotions be very level headed over a period of time. The author Mark Manson posts some excellent Instagram posts which are easy to read and understand."
"In addition to reading I listen to motivational speeches, my favourites are Fearless Motivation’s ‘Are you a lion or a sheep?’ or ‘Warrior’ both of which have inspired my chest tattoo. Other speakers would be Joe Rogan, CT Fletcher (weight lifter) and the legend Bruce Lee (check out Be Water speech). I would say that working on my mental health over the last 12 months has put me in a lot better place for longer than I ever have, I have started to get my mojo back. I also decided to quit the alcohol as my weight wasn’t dropping. I have cut it out completely and almost lose a stone. More importantly I feel motivated and happy. I read that helping others is liberating, so a few years ago, as a thank you, I raised money for EMERGE by doing a mud run with a team of personal training clients. Nowadays I now collect football programmes from Stoke City Football Club and hand them over to a homeless person who is a Stoke fan and stays at a local shelter.
This small gesture (which costs me nothing) makes me feel good and is an amazing feeling to have. I hope that some of you who read this are inspired and please remember that our mind does play tricks on us, we just need to learn how to filter the bullshit and focus on the POSITIVES.
Always be kind to yourself, give yourself that rest and always have some time out.
Its great to be able to share my own story on BORN 2 BLEED and I love the message Steve is creating. I love the clothing range after accidentally finding it on Facebook. Exercise is an escape for me, but I love being at gigs, festivals or even pissing my neighbours off singing in my flat to anything and everything! Keep smiling and keep the spirit alive! Thank you for reading!" Daz
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💪 I want to build a community or tribe of like-minded people through BORN 2 BLEED so if you'd like to share your story email me at info@born2bleed.com , send your story, your top 3 rock/metal/hardcore bands, where you're from and a pic of you rockin your BORN 2 BLEED gear and lets fuckin' lift each other up, motivate and push each other forward!
(Owner BORN 2 BLEED)